We invite the whole Brethren in Christ family to pray for General Assembly 2024, July 12-15, in Cincinnati, Ohio. General Assembly brings together the broader BIC family to fellowship together, learn from each other, and make important decisions that will guide the denomination’s future.

Starting July 3, follow this ten-day prayer guide and invite God’s blessing and presence in every component of the gathering. (A printable version can be downloaded at the bottom of this article.)

Day 1, July 3 – Unity & Community

Over 500 people will attend General Assembly this year. Some are new to the denomination; others have been BIC since childhood. Pray for a spirit of unity and community to link every attendee to one another as the body of Christ.

Day 2, July 4 – Speakers

Ask the Lord to stir the hearts and minds of those who will preach at General Assembly: Jay Moon, Walter Kim, Jose Rodriguez, Tracie Hunter, and Alan Robinson. Pray that God will speak through them to draw those in attendance closer to Jesus’ heart.

Day 3, July 5 – Conference Center Staff & Technology

Praise God for the facility we get to gather in; ask the Lord to bless the staff of Sharonville Convention Center as they facilitate our time there. Pray also for all the technology that will go into the gathering and for the people who will operate it.

Day 4, July 6 – Children’s, Youth, and Worship Ministry

Pray blessing over Rachel Ulloa, Joy Brown, Marissa Cowan, and their volunteers as they lead ministry programming for children and teens. Pray for safety, cooperation, learning, and fun. Pray also for the musicians and singers who through music will guide us in praise of our Lord.

Day 5, July 7 – Encouragement

Pray delegates will find encouragement from engaging with the larger Brethren in Christ community. Ask God to ordain life-giving conversations, divine inspiration, and restoration for weary souls.

Day 6, July 8 – BIC U.S. Staff & Leaders

More than 40 denominational staff (from World Missions, the BIC Foundation, regional conferences, and shared services) and leaders from General Conference Board will be present to facilitate General Assembly. Pray for them as they prepare the final details, logistical items, and behind-the-scenes components of our gathering.

Day 7, July 9 – Breakout Sessions

Ask God to richly bless the breakout sessions that will explore topics more specifically. Pray they edify each attendee. Pray for the presenters who are preparing to share in these smaller gatherings; may God’s inspiration guide them to the right speaking points now and during the sessions.

Day 8, July 10 – Wisdom

Ask our Wonderful Counselor to fill each delegate with wisdom and discernment for the business items that will be presented. Ask the Holy Spirit to settle in the hearts and minds of everyone present so they may hear his still small voice. May his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

 Day 9, July 11 – Safe Travel & Good Health

As over 500 people travel today and tomorrow to participate in General Assembly, ask God to bless their travel and guard their health. Pray for protection against accidents, delays, and illnesses.

Day 10, July 12 – Discipleship

General Assembly begins at 7 PM Eastern tonight. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be evident and that all attendees will be fully committed disciples who are formed to follow Christ Jesus.

Ten Days of Prayer for General Assembly

BIC U.S. Communications
Posted by the BIC U.S. Communications team.


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