Chad and Michelle Wenger

- Currently serving: Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Home church: Mechanicsburg Community Church
- Serving since: 2022
- Married: 2006
- Children: Jordyn, Kyleigh, Taya
Both Michelle and Chad came to faith in Jesus at a young age, each coming from a wonderful heritage of faith in their family backgrounds.
Michelle attended Mechanicsburg (Pa.) BIC (McBIC) for the first 30+ years of her life. She graduated from Messiah College (now University) with a degree in mechanical engineering but quickly found the Lord stirring her passions elsewhere. Michelle volunteered and then was employed with BIC World Missions for nearly a decade after sensing a burden for the nations at Urbana (InterVarsity’s mission conference) during her college years. For 20 years as an adult in the Mechanicsburg area, she wrestled with how to live out a call to cross-cultural ministry and never let go of the dream God had placed on her heart. She found ways to serve the nations through short-term missions trips and by supporting and serving local immigrants and refugees in central Pa. She is excited to step into a more intentional role serving the nations on the campus of the University of North Carolina.
Chad first sensed a call to pastoral ministry in college while pursuing a degree in accounting, also at Messiah University. (And no, he and Michelle did not start dating in college, much to Chad’s dismay. That would come following a romantic bowling date in their young adult years – Chad still can’t believe she said yes.) After working as a CPA for seven years, he had the incredible opportunity to serve as youth pastor at McBIC, starting in 2007. In 2014, God called Michelle and Chad to lead a team of people from McBIC to plant Mechanicsburg Community Church, which currently meets at the Mechanicsburg Middle School. Chad graduated from Evangelical Seminary in December of 2020 with a master’s degree in religious studies. He is excited to shepherd a new group of people as they welcome international students and share the gospel with them.
They are excited to continue to serve with their denominational family as partner missionaries of BIC U.S. World Missions. Chad and Michelle sense God’s leading to welcome, serve, and share the gospel with international students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, NC with InterVarsity Campus Ministry.
In her free time, Michelle loves pursuing all kinds of creative and artistic endeavors, from watercolors to cooking. She can never find enough time to sit at the piano and sing worship songs to the Lord. She also enjoys long, deep conversations with old and new friends. In his free time, Chad loves a good book, watching and playing sports, making a great cup of coffee, playing saxophone, and spending time with friends.
Chad and Michelle have three amazing daughters – Jordyn, Kyleigh, and Taya. They enjoy spending time together as a family, watching the Amazing Race, eating lots of meat, hiking, playing games, and attending the kids’ many activities (sports, dance, and music). The whole family has also recently picked up the sport of pickleball. They are excited to have the opportunity to serve together as a family at the University of North Carolina.