Kaleb and Hannah B.

- Currently serving: Hokkaido, Japan
- Home church: Mission Hill Church
- Serving since: 2025
- Married: 2019
- Children: Isaac and Laurel
Kaleb joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in 2014 when he completed his Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Orlando, Fla. After finishing his outreach to Haiti and the Dominican Republic, he returned to Orlando for seven more schools, where he earned an associate’s degree in Christian ministry. He graduated from the University of the Nations in 2016 and remained on staff with YWAM Orlando for four more years.
Hannah also joined YWAM Orlando in 2014 where she completed her DTS. Her outreach team went to Turkey for two months, where she was so stirred for the local people and the refugees that were entering Turkey at the time. Hannah returned to Orlando a year later for a ‘secondary’ school and was able to go to Lebanon for another two-month outreach, where they focused on serving and connecting with Syrian refugees.
As you may have guessed, Kaleb and Hannah met in Orlando and were married in December 2019. Kaleb is originally from Lancaster, Pa., while Hannah is from Tennessee.
As a family, they were committed to being long-term missionaries in the U.S., with the vision of training up young people and taking them overseas for short term outreaches (two-month intervals). But in 2022, that vision began to shift. Through conversations and prayer, the Lord began bringing up the invitation of moving overseas to continue a lifestyle of full surrender to the Lord, in a country where most people do not know him. Japan was the place he was highlighting, despite never visiting there or knowing much about the country.
In 2023, Kaleb and Hannah took a scouting trip to Japan to pray and get clarity from the Lord if this was the place. They were able to travel a majority of the country in one month and knew clearly from the Lord where to move.
In the midst of this process, the Lord brought back something he had spoken to Kaleb in 2017, which was to pursue getting his pilot’s license. Through connections in YWAM, they learned about Kingdom Air Corps, a missionary organization that trains pilots to fly in remote, hard-to-reach areas. In a year Kaleb was able to complete his Private and Commercial licenses and his Instrument Rating.
Kaleb and Hannah and their two children continue to serve with a small YWAM team at their new base in Hokkaido, Japan.