Encompassing licensing and ordination, our credentialing process is designed to equip ministers for ongoing, transformative ministry with the BIC U.S.
Credentialing Process Overview
1. Three-year provisional license. Upon successfully completing a ministry-application process and being assigned a BIC U.S. ministry position, you can receive a three-year provisional license. Nonrenewable, a provisional license authorizes you to serve as a minister for BIC U.S.
2. Six-year ministry license. Obtain a six-year ministry license once you serve three years under a provisional license and meet BIC U.S. benchmarks (e.g., serve appropriately in an assigned ministry position, pursue educational coursework, and continue undergoing a vetting process). Renewable, a ministry license authorizes you to serve as a minister for BIC U.S.
3. Ordination. To be ordained by the Church, you’re required to hold a ministry license and fulfill Church-related criteria (e.g., complete educational coursework and receive approval for ordination from Church governing bodies). Subject to renewal every six years, ordination authorizes you to serve as a minister for BIC U.S. — and qualifies you to pursue denominational leadership positions.
Lifelong BIC Learning
For those licensed or ordained in the BIC U.S., we believe it’s important to continue engaging BIC perspectives. Therefore, we require credentialed persons to complete four Lifelong BIC Learning events or credits within the six-year renewal cycle:
- One credit for attending General Assembly
- One credit for an approved regional conference event
- Two credits for attending two other BIC U.S. training events like Core Courses, Directed Study Program courses, or Impact Seminars
Contact Donna Sturr or your bishop for more information.

Donna Sturr, Assistant for Leadership Development
Contact Donna to learn more about the BIC U.S. credentialing process.