Missionary Development Program
From discernment to deployment, we offer comprehensive training for those feeling called to long-term missions work.
We seek to walk alongside those interested in evaluating where — or even if — God may be calling them to missionary service. Our learning modules will walk you through the discernment process and prepare you for deployment, and the community surrounding the program will allow you to connect with people who are asking the same questions as you.
For those seeking full-time missionary status through BIC U.S. World Missions, participation in the following is the first step.
Missionary Development Program (MDP)
Our Missionary Development Program (MDP) is a flexible, self-paced tool to assist you in your calling. The program is divided into three modules, following these learning objectives:
- Biblical Understanding & Disciple-Making
- Cultural Awareness
- Health, Development & Resilience
- Denominational Understanding & Values
Module I: Discernment — In this module, you will focus on studying, assessing your gifting, and gaining practical ministry experience.
Module II: Deployment — In this module, you will explore the specific place of service where the Lord may be calling you and following through on all of the steps for deployment.
Module III: Continuous Learning — In this module, you will be a part of quarterly Zoom calls with others also in their first term of service.
Throughout the three modules, you will also be involved in the Missionary Development Community.
Missionary Development Community (MDC)
Participating in the Missionary Development Community (MDC) is a requirement for people in the MDP, however, it is open to anyone who wants to start exploring the possibilities of cross-cultural service. Through quarterly video calls, you will learn from former and current missionaries, journey alongside those who are also in the same process as you, and ask questions in a community of like-minded individuals.

Vicky Landis, Mobilization Administrator
Contact Vicky to learn more about the Missionary Development Program.
Note: The Missionary Development Program is completely free; however, you will be responsible for enrolling in the Perspectives course.