Directed Study Program
The Directed Study Program (DSP) consists of online courses designed to equip individuals for ministry.
Both flexible and affordable, the program offers a variety of courses on Bible, history, ministry, and theological topics. Courses are taught at a post-high school level and require approximately 5-8 hours of work per week during the 14-week term.
Along with four Core Courses, completion of twelve DSP courses (eleven required and one elective), meets the minimum educational requirement for ordination in the Brethren in Christ U.S. Each class also fulfills the lifelong-BIC-learning expectation for credentialed persons.
DSP classes are offered each year during three 14-week terms: fall, spring, and summer. The registration fee for each course is $150 (USD). Classes are limited to 15 participants each and scholarships are available based on need and available funding.
Required DSP Courses
- B101r Bible Survey
- B103r Biblical Interpretation
- B201r Pentateuch
- B202r Synoptic Gospels
- H101r History of Christianity
- M100r A Study of Brethren in Christ Core Values
- M102r Evangelism
- M103r Intentional Discipleship
- M106r The World Christian Movement
- M202r Pastoral Care and Counseling
- T101r Basic Christian Doctrines