Of the many things to celebrate at the 2017 Missions Day at Roxbury Holiness Camp, Wednesday, August 9, 2017, sending new missionaries was at the top of the list. Within six months, six new missionaries — two couples and two individuals — plan to serve cross-culturally and/or internationally with BIC U.S. World Missions.

These global workers represent the largest group of new missionaries commissioned by BIC U.S. within a six-month period in nine years.

Here are the individuals planning to be sent by World Missions:

Tony and Veronica Beers will be serving in Zambia, where they will be using their engineering and nursing backgrounds to partner with BIC Zambia, Macha Mission Hospital, and potentially Community Health Evangelism (CHE).

P. and H.R., who helped found New Vision Church, Pewaukee, Wis., will be serving in Lexington, Ky., ministering to international students, while collaborating with a new church plant, Plowshares.

Sophie T. — a schoolteacher of seven years — will be church planting and teaching English (due to serving in a sensitive environment, Sophie’s last name, as well as her international location, have been withheld).

L.H. plans to deploy in the coming months. However, for security reasons we cannot disclose any additional details about this ministry.

Jonathan Lloyd, director of BIC U.S. World Missions, said he is thrilled to partner with these global workers: “Passionate and driven, these individuals are willing to leave successful careers to share Christ’s love and to serve sacrificially.”

Having felt fulfilled for many years in her job as an elementary school teacher, Sophie felt the Lord calling her to resign from her second-grade teaching position to join full-time ministry. She will continue using her skillsets and giftings as a teacher and church leader in her new role of church planting and teaching English overseas.

Likewise, Tony and Veronica Beers were both flourishing in ministry jobs in the U.S. — Tony carrying out engineering design work at World Vision and water-related research at Messiah College’s Collaboratory and Veronica at Bethesda Mission in Harrisburg, Pa., providing nursing services to poor and homeless populations. But, like the P. and H.R., L. H., and Sophie, they felt a strong call to serve cross-culturally.

Interested in getting involved? Learn more about serving with BIC U.S. World Missions.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article noted Carey Heisey would be deploying instead of L. H. Updated 8/29/17

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