The 10 Core Values of Brethren in Christ U.S. were the central focus of the 2024 Songwriting Initiative, designed to strengthen community and creativity across the denomination. The initiative ran from August to October last year in conjunction with the release of the Core Values book Compelling Convictions and Project 250’s first priority, “reaffirming our identity as a community of Christ-Followers.”

Karah Leaman of Lancaster BIC (Pa.) coordinated the initiative. “With the release of Compelling Convictions, BIC worship leaders were collecting songs that reflect our core values,” she says. “It seemed like a great time to invite songwriters from within the denomination to write new congregational songs that align with our values and even highlight the distinctives.”

The initiative had three primary goals:

  1. Spark creativity and collaboration in the denomination
  2. Recognize songwriters already contributing to their communities
  3. Produce songs that represent our Core Values

BIC worship leaders recommended a panel of BIC artists with experience in songwriting, instrumental composition, music production, and worship leading. Panelists include Karah, Gabi Bonifant (Manor Church), Paul Cohen (Grantham BIC), Douglas Curry (Messiah University), Ray Rodriguez (La Roca BIC), and Dwight Thomas (Millersville BIC).

The initiative officially launched at General Assembly 2024 and solicited original songs from across BIC U.S., the only requirements being that each song must be original and directly related to one of our 10 Core Values.

In total, 68 original songs by 49 songwriters were submitted. These songwriters came from 22 congregations in five conferences: Allegheny, Atlantic, Great Lakes, Pacific, and Susquehanna. Additionally, several submissions came from international writers.

The songwriters represent a wide range of songwriting experience. Some are teens. Some are BIC worship leaders; others have never performed a song live. Some crafted their songs days before the deadline, and some could finally share something they wrote 30 years ago. There were unaccompanied melodies sung into phones and arrangements brought to life by entire worship teams.

The panel listened to every entry and gave feedback to each songwriter. The panel selected one featured submission: “Peace You Bought” by Diana Trout and Hannah Niesley of Harrisburg BIC. Listen to their beautifully and artfully crafted song.

To continue pursuing this kind of artistic expression and collaboration, 28 of the songwriters will attend a church music conference at Messiah University in mid-February. The conference – led by prolific songwriters The Porter’s Gate and Sandra McCracken – will cover songwriting for the local church, choral music, and worship leadership.

With God’s blessing, this initiative will spark further creativity and collaboration within the denomination and beyond. May they all be seeds planted for Jesus and the Kingdom.

BIC U.S. Communications
Posted by the BIC U.S. Communications team.

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