Reading with Jesus: A Brethren in Christ Approach to Biblical Hermeneutics – Impact Seminar, Elizabethtown BIC
October 30 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
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The Brethren in Christ hold several positions which make us stick out from the wider society and even from many of our fellow Christians. For instance, we hold to a peace position that takes preparation for or participation in war to be inconsistent with the teachings of Christ, and we have an understanding of God’s intentions for human sexual difference that leads us both to ordain women and to maintain a traditional understanding of marriage. Not many groups have quite this mix of commitments!
Are we just quirky? Perhaps we are! But there’s a profound reason for our quirkiness… we are convinced that these positions are scriptural. It is in reading Scripture together that we have come to these views and it is to Scripture we must return as we wrestle with these and other questions today.
To that end this seminar will offer an exploration of biblical hermeneutics from a Brethren in Christ perspective aimed at illuminating some of our distinctive commitments. At its core, the presented approach understands Jesus to be both the teacher who opens the Bible for us and the one whose face can be recognized on every page once we have acquired eyes to see.
This is a free event, but registration is required at least one week before a seminar begins. Learn more.