We are excited by and energized to pursue the many priorities, objectives, and goals outlined in Project 250. You can read all of them in the full report and view a shortened summary below.

1. Reaffirming Our Identity as a Community of Christ-Followers

Our identity in Christ precedes every other aspect of who we are and what we are called to do as God’s people. We are committed to keeping Jesus at our center, going directly to the Word of God for guidance, and teaching our core values as guiding principles for life and practice. Our objectives are:

  • Increase understanding and awareness of our core values
  • Update the Focusing Our Faith book, including core practices
  • Have BIC U.S. congregations use the core values and their supporting materials in congregational life

2. Making Lifelong Disciples

We live in a post-Christian world, yet Jesus calls us to a lifelong journey of discipleship and to invite others into intimacy with Christ. We are committed to enabling our congregations to engage in this work by providing teaching and resources for those at all points of their faith journey. Our objectives are:

  • Increase understanding and awareness of the nature of discipleship from a BIC identity and perspective
  • Increase understanding and awareness of disciple-making principles
  • Have BIC U.S. congregations develop a contextually-specific process “roadmap” for developing lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ

3. Multiplying Missional Congregations, Movements, and Leaders

Our congregations are called to impact and invest in their own communities. We are committed to strengthening and multiplying leaders and congregations of all sizes to be healthy, thriving, and reproducing. Our objectives are:

  • Have BIC U.S. congregations better understand the nature of healthy and reproducing congregations
  • Train assigned ministers in servant leadership and equip them to teach others
  • Multiply sites of missional vitality that draw people into a lifelong relationship of knowing, loving, and following Jesus

4. Increasing Global Awareness and Impact

BIC U.S. World Missions has been active in cross-cultural ministry for over 100 years and has helped establish a network of pastors, churches, and ministries all around the globe. We are committed to providing education about our global footprint and building relationships between our congregations and missionaries. Our objectives are:

  • Have BIC U.S. assigned ministers and congregations become more aware of the need for and challenges of cross-cultural ministry
  • Have BIC U.S. assigned ministers better understand the global reality of the BIC Church
  • Have BIC U.S. congregations better understand and connect with BIC U.S. missionaries

5. Growing to Reflect the Demographic Realities of our Communities

The communities that surround our congregations are diverse, and we want our congregations to reflect that. Additionally, we want to increase the number of qualified women and people of color serving in BIC U.S. assigned ministry roles and governing boards. We are committed to providing resources, encouragement, and accountability as we grow in this area. Our objectives are:

  • Have BIC U.S. congregations better understand the demographic realities of their congregation and community
  • Increase the number of appropriately-qualified women and people of color serving in BIC U.S. assigned ministry roles
  • Increase the number of appropriately-qualified women and people of color serving on BIC U.S. Regional Conference and General Conference governing boards
  • Increase the number of appropriately-qualified women and people of color serving/advising on the BIC U.S. Leadership Council